CRA Today ‘s Top Philanthropic Priorities
CRA Today is committed to reinvesting revenue into philanthropic initiatives that support lower-income families and disadvantaged communities.

Philanthropic Reinvestment Priorities

Childhood Food Insecurity
Hunger deprives children of more than just food… a child’s chance for a bright tomorrow starts with getting enough food to eat today.
Though often thought of as just a physical issue, hunger also has profound emotional and social consequences for children. The lack of food can impede cognitive development, social and emotional well-being, and future opportunities. This is why it is critical that we work to prevent child hunger in all its forms.

Financial Aid for LMI Single Parent Families
Single mothers often spend over half of their income on housing expenses and a third on child care, leaving them with less money for educational expenses for themselves, and even less to save for their children’s college fund.
Solutions to the financial challenges facing single mothers are complex. Recent policy changes at the state and federal level are part of the solution, but more must be done to ensure that all single mothers can afford to send their children to college. Private organizations can also play a role by offering scholarships and other forms of assistance to help reduce the cost of higher education for these families. By working together, we can make sure that every child has an opportunity to pursue a college education.