Community Development Loan Blueprint
On-Demand Training Workshop
5 Foundational Steps to Building an Outstanding
Community Development Loan Portfolio
Linda Ezuka, Founder, CRA Today
I appreciate your training sessions and workshops. In contemplating signing up for follow up training -I had considered paying for it myself -if my Bank wouldn’t. Your sessions have given me more confidence and I look forward to future workshops. The fact of the matter is, there is not much for CRA Officers out there in the way of training. You have filled a long overdue hold in the CRA sector/industry.
Are you making the all-too-common mistake of leaving community development loans on the table, and underreporting the important work your bank is doing?
“Reviewing community development loans is Linda’s superpower! She is the first person I reach out to when I need a second opinion or when I get stuck on CD loan qualifications.”
– Sarah Pearson, Vice President, CRA Officer
First Bank
Community development loans (CDLs) are widely recognized as the most complex part and subjective component of the CRA.
The community development loan on-demand training is for you if:
- You want to stop underreporting and maximize the reporting of your community development loan portfolio.
- You want to learn the tried and true methods to efficiently identify more loans to add to your community development loan portfolio.
- Your bank relies on expensive consultants to mine for community development loans because you don’t have the time nor expertise to review credit approval memorandums.
- You’ve never been trained on how to identify community development loans efficiently, correctly and confidently.
- You know you’d benefit from learning what types of loans are often overlooked for CDL consideration.
What’s included within your on-demand training experience:
On-Demand Training Sessions
Pre-recorded on-demand training sessions are available to watch at your convenience online or through our free App. Speed it up or slow it down-you are in control!
Implementation Checklists and Homework
Considering CDLs are one of the most subjective areas of CRA, you’ll finish up the training session with actionable step by step checklists and homework to make sure you are set up for success and know your path forward.
Community Development Loan Blueprint
The training includes a 15-page guide includes foundational resources and outlines the best practices to build an outstanding community development loan portfolio.
Step by Step Documentation Tutorials
Training tutorials are included to show you exactly how to defend and document community development qualification and primary purpose, including screen shares for Bureau of Labor Statistics, HUD Fair Market Rents and SBA Size Standards.
ABA Professional Certifications is dedicated to promoting the highest standards of performance and ethics within the financial services industry. The Community Development Loan Blueprint Training has been approved for 1.5 credits. This statement is not an endorsement of this program or its sponsor. Certified professionals will report these credits at

Clarity Awaits – Let’s Get Started!
As you know, many elements of the CRA are subjective and CDLs are arguably the most complex component of all.
By the end, you’ll have the tools you need to not only maximize all eligible community development loans, but create a solid culture of compliance to serve your bank for many exam cycles to come!
Best of all, you’ll have unrestricted access to the workshop materials for six months, so you’ll be able to go back and recap any information you may need to revisit in context to your work at hand.