CRA Tips, regulatory change, and an occasional deep thought…

Quick tips, CRA concepts and an occasional deep thought…

CRA Today Blog

CRA Self-Assessments: Why You Need One and Where To Start

CRA Self-Assessments: Why You Need One and Where To Start

Are you ready for your next CRA exam? If you’re like most CRA professionals, preparing for a CRA exam is a never-ending process. One way to make this process a little more manageable is by creating a CRA self-assessment. Most CRA officers find that once they create a...

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Who exactly is responsible for your bank’s CRA program?

Who exactly is responsible for your bank’s CRA program?

If you said “the CRA Officer,” I want to challenge your thinking on that. You should consider your bank’s CRA program to be the responsibility of every employee in your company, from the tellers on the bank floor to the back office employees and all the way up to the...

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The worklife of a CRA professional has two seasons ...

... you are either preparing for an exam or recovering from one!

Here you will find a bundle of resources crafted to support your exam prep efforts and outcomes, tailored for preparing for an exam in the next 12 months. These resources will demystify preparation for your upcoming CRA examination, using industry best practices and a little bit of regulatory pixie dust.